Dec 23 Newsletter

Sit. Stay. Read.


🐾 **Holiday Pet Safety Guide: Celebrate Safely with Your Furry Friends!** 🐾

As the holiday season approaches, our four-legged family members are gearing up for festive fun! However, it’s crucial to keep an eye out for potential hazards that may arise during Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Hanukkah celebrations to ensure your pets stay happy and healthy.

1. Festive Foods and Treats:
While indulging in holiday feasts, be cautious about what ends up in your pet’s bowl. Certain foods like turkey bones, chocolate, onions, grapes and raisins can be harmful to dogs and cats. Stick to pet-friendly treats and resist the temptation to share your holiday meal.

2. Decorations Dilemmas:
Decking the halls? Keep in mind that shiny tinsel and sparkly ornaments might be too tempting for curious pets. These decorations, if ingested, can lead to digestive issues. Opt for pet-friendly decorations and secure ornaments out of paws’ reach.

3. Holiday Plants Perils:
Poinsettias, mistletoe, and holly are common during the holidays, but they can pose a threat to your pets if ingested. Keep these plants out of reach or consider pet-safe alternatives to maintain a festive atmosphere without risking your pet’s well-being.

4. Candles and Flames:
Candles add a warm glow to holiday celebrations, but curious pets may knock them over. Opt for flameless candles to eliminate fire hazards and keep your pets and your home safe.

5. Unattended Gift Wrapping:
Beautifully wrapped gifts can be as intriguing to pets as they are to us. Ensure that ribbons, bows, and wrapping paper are safely stored away. Ingesting these festive materials can lead to digestive blockages.

6. Stress-Free Safe Spaces:
Holiday gatherings and loud celebrations can be overwhelming for some pets. Create a quiet, safe space where your furry friends can retreat if the festivities become too much for them.

Remember, a little extra attention to your pet’s environment goes a long way in ensuring a joyful and safe holiday season. From our furry family to yours, happy and healthy holidays! 🎄🐾

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